简介: Ascension is a Canadian/American television miniseries on Syfy. It is an original science fiction mystery drama that takes place in an alternate present aboard a generation ship, and consists of six one-hour episodes. The show is created by Philip Levens and Adrian A. Cruz. The pilot was written, and executive produced by Philip Levens, who serves as the showrunner.本站为您提供阿森松号全集在线观看完整版、手机在线播放mp4和迅雷下载地址,可用爱奇艺、优酷网、乐视网、腾讯视频、搜狐视频、百度云盘、百度网盘、阿森松号百度云资源和QVOD快播、吉吉影音、阿森松号西瓜影音等播放器免费在线观看 720p 1080p、BD、HD、中文版、国语版、中字英语版以及bt种子高清下载。搜索阿森松号电视剧免费观看完整版全集! 2014-12-27 23:05:36